Friday, January 30, 2009

Sleepless night

It's Friday again. Hot day in Penang. *Sweating bullets* I'm still trying to adjust to the heat here - which is a few notches up in magnitude compared to that in KL. Someone explained to me some time ago, that it's the 'Island effect'. Well, for sure, it's making me feel a little under-the-weather. My throat is scratchy, I'm starting to cough, and have flu-like symptoms.

I'm back to work. Arrived in Penang last night, feeling rather sad that the holiday had to end so soon.

Had such a difficult night yesterday. I couldn't sleep! It wasn't because of the heat - the A/C was cold. (I was sneezing and my nose was running in the wee hours of the morning.) But I just had too many things on my mind.

Number one, a Mrs. Someone texted me at 5am this morning telling me that I had some work left to do. Unfortunately (I don't usually wake up when people text me while I'm sleeping), I woke up, read the text and became very stressed all of a sudden - could feel my heart racing....which leads me to number two - I have an affidavit to complete and to get it signed and verified at the Commissioner of Oath. (Who knows where is this, in Penang?) Btw the affidavit thingy is a long story. It would make me scream to share it here. In fact I was protesting (in vain) when I was first informed that I had to write it. Thanks to some encouragement from my pastor, boyfriend and my in-the-same-boat friend, I did get to writing it la.

Number three - I was bothered by the fact that my boyfriend is so stressed 'bout his work. And that made me really stressed for his sake too. I mean, after he told me a few nights ago, that he dreamt about his work the whole night, and this morning, he told me that he had jumped up at 4am because he thought that his alarm clock had rung, and he was due for an early morning meeting. Poor guy!:( Felt so bad for him. Ok, I don't think he's gonna read this, since he's busy and all. So sssshhhhhh! And please keep him in prayer.

Number four - I was stressed about going back to work. I was thinking of the things I'd have to do, the report I'd have to write, the stuff I would have to do over weekend, the guest-forms for the G.Y.M, and the people I'd have to deal with. (Also, the weekly meeting with my pastor next week. Yikes! - I mean he's really nice and concerned. But I still have my pastor-phobia!) In short, I balked under my blanket! I mean, pardon the crappy attitude. But I'm really not ready for work. I did not feel the least caring. (Should I write that in my weekly report?) Haha. The thought of having to wake up early again the next morning also filled me with much dread. (It was like an impending dentist's visit.) God help me!

Ok, I think I've mentioned before. I'm not a morning person.

Number five - Next week, I'll be going to the MBTS seminary alone to talk to the principal. Firstly I have to drive there alone - and I'm not sure where the place is. Secondly, I hate interviews of any sort...even if it's just me having to make enquiries. I'm freaking out.

Number six - I suddenly felt like I was going to fall sick!

Number seven - I'm dreading going back to Mini Taman Negara, now it's approaching the weekend. (See a few posts back) I hope our serpentine friend has found a better habitat, somewhere else. I'm definitely in no mood to deal with the hooded cobras... or any (as Pig puts it) snakes which are able to change color according to their environment to camouflage themselves. The aunty who left us her house, used to tell us stories of how her husband would pin the snake down with the garden rake, and she would pour a kettle of boiling water over it to kill it. I don't think it is as easy as it sounds. Pig advised me to buy sulphur from the hardware shop.

*Big sigh*....

Well, thankfully, Pig asked me out for lunch (along with LM), so it did cheer me up loads. We also paid a very stressed out someone an unexpected visit at his workplace. Hehe...

And surprise, surprise...I think with my new hair-do, my hair is dropping much less!


monsterkeon said...

NOBODY shld sms about work left to do at 5am!! ever!!

Grace-Melody Moo said...


mozozozo said...

Jie...have to start to turn off your phone at night. you told me - radiation!! =D Happy birthday!!

Anonymous said...

I could never sleep with my phone off. It's always on 24/7...I have this fear of missing important phone calls :P And I often get woken up by calls or, I totally feel ur anxiety! :P anyways, let me know which day you are going to MBTS..maybe I can draw u a map or if the time permits, I could accompany u? (weekday?)


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