Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday night

Went out last night with a few of my boyfriend's pals (all Malaysians, they used to study in Dundee together). 2 doctors and another engineer. We were out mamak-ing at Kayu's until 2am in the morning.

I thought I'd be a little left-out initially, because I didn't know anyone of them. But thankfully, they were really nice and it was quite easy for me to join in the conversation after-all... because all of them spoke in Cantonese or Mandarin (I'm still no good at Hokkien)... and the doctors (now husband and wife) additionally spoke a language I much understood - along with the medical jargon and all.

I had mixed feelings hearing words like Sheehan's Syndrome, Acromegaly, etc (we were having this lengthy conversation about pituitary tumours). On one hand, I was relieved that I could still remember the facts I've slogged hard to learn in med school, having left my books for so many months. Guess my final exams nailed everything in my head permanently ... On the other hand I felt a little nolstalgic of the field I had left behind.



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