Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Going to school with a red and irritated left eye today was humbling. Conjunctivitis, they say. The only thing cool about my predicament is that my eye is photosensitive. Extremely sensitive to light. After turning off the lights last night, my swollen left eye could still trace the objects in my room, while the good eye could see nothing but darkness!

Thank God that it isn't a corneal ulcer. How I got my eye infected - God knows! I haven't worn my contact lenses for a week by now.

They've replaced the Clavinova in our MBTS chapel with an upright piano - temporarily (I hope). While the sound quality and touch of the keys gave me the creeps, I think I am getting used to all that.

My sister left for KL last night. This is something she texted me today...

"...You know, suddenly I remembered something. Yesterday, near Subang Airport, when dad was driving, suddenly a long pole of a few meters seemed to drop down from an overhead bridge, very near our car...vertically. And then it 'bounced' back up again like being pulled back up. Weird huh...."

Wow. I believe it had got something to do with God's protection on my family. Praise be to Jesus Christ.



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