Saturday, January 22, 2011

What contaminates?

This morning, I read this verse: "Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." (2 Cor 7:1)

How come this verse never seemed as real to me as it seems today?

When I was struggling with eating disorders, why did this verse not make any sense to me? Yeah, I know what contaminates the spirit... but why didn't I see that keeping the body uncontaminated is a vital action of perfecting holiness... out of reverence for God? I believe this doesn't just mean sexual chastity - but it also has got lots to do with how we treat and steward the bodies God has given us as mortal dwellings while we are on this earth and yet away from Him. (2 Cor 5:6) Also what we do while being clothed in these mortal dwellings.

I know I've repented from using laxatives/purgatives before this. My bulimia/anorexia days are long gone. I don't restrict or binge or purge like I used to. However, just like any recovered ED sufferer, I still struggle sometimes... with certain infiltrating thoughts. It is certainly not as before, when I kow-towed to these thoughts and religiously met their demands. "You need to throw-up," they would beg, "...or you will gain another pound tonight." Nevertheless, I am often tempted to compromise. Subtle stuff like, "You ate so much yesterday evening... you can skip breakfast. It is only one meal. It won't matter much." I know that it will not be long before I start skipping two meals and so on... if I compromise the first time. And perhaps, the definition of 'I ate so much' will too change with regards to its qualification.

I am not saying that everyone struggles with the same thing. Former ED-sufferers struggle with different weak points. The Enemy knows too well what is required to trigger a recovered person and lead to relapse, so that she is sucked back into the vicious cycle that used to keep her away from God and from walking victoriously in the calling upon her life. Satan knows that it is probably twice as hard for one to get back on track every time she relapses. However, I always remember the Apostle Paul saying, "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall." (1 Corinthians 10:12) It is wise to be aware of our weaknesses and thoroughly (and prayerfully) combat triggers that may cause us to fall.

This verse is definitely a good reminder for me to meditate on. What keeps me away from God? What keeps me from walking in a manner worthy of my calling and destiny in Christ? What grieves God's Spirit in me? Our bodies cannot be contaminated without contaminating our soul and spirit as well. All are intertwined as long as we are living human beings on earth... on this side of eternity.



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