Thursday, December 16, 2010

Neck pain - Day 2

Neck pain has gone down a notch in its grade - but I still find great difficulties lifting my chin to look up and turning my head while driving. Well...guess I'll need to wait contentedly. Was looking around for Yokoyoko or Salon Pas yesterday - but unfortunately, they were all out of sight! (They will most definitely turn up when I don't need their service anymore...)

Nevertheless, Ben was a dear - he manually kneaded those knotted up neck muscles...gently but firmly... and I believe that it helped loads! :)

Thanks, dear.

Just shopped for gifts for a Christmas Gift-Exchange this Sunday. Bumped into Wai Lim while eating lunch at Subways. The funny guy asked me, "So you're shopping for Chinese New Year? Or your wedding?" LOL.

Holistic Child Development assignments up next. I need to start! *Anxious*



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