Monday, December 6, 2010


Gotta get my fitness levels up again, after 5 days of resting and feasting, haha... I feel sluggish already.

Hitting the gym and the pool with Ben later this evening... Hopeful that I'd get some work and emailing done by then.The year is coming to a graceful close. Not because I have victoriously conquered all my mountains... but because God has been awesomely gracious and merciful to me. My weaknesses could sink great ships, but as a song chorus goes, "...And now, let the weak say I am strong...let the poor say I am rich, because of what the LORD has done for us...." ~ Tuhanlah yang serba mencukupi hidupku... :) Oleh itu...berbahagialah, orang yang kesukaannya dan renungannya ialah Tuhan (Taurat Tuhan)... Ia seperti pohon yang ditanam di tepi aliran air...yang menghasilkan buah pada musimnya dan tidak layu daunnya...apa saja yang diperbuatnya berhasil. ~ Psalms 1:2-3.

That has always been my favorite passage in the Bible - and it will always be. Not because of the promise of fruit, but because it shows that we can only depend on God and His Word.


mozozozo said...

Your December '10 picture looks strangely like those of you when you were much younger... =)hope you're getting good food 2 eat there!! ohh n i like ur new GRatitude header =P


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