Friday, December 17, 2010

Fishy Offspring

Ben's family owns beautiful lil' guppies.

They used to swim round and round in a plastic container (the kind with a red cover - in which we'd keep the Chinese New Year cookies) - but recently, Ben bought the fishes a new home... A spacious aquarium with green plants and a pump. When they first moved to their new home, they seemed a little skeptical and suspicious of their new environment... so they mostly swam together as a group. Eventually, they decided in their fish-minds that everything was OK. And so, they split up to explore the territory. Now, some of the fishes love to huddle among the greens...Sorry. The pics don't do the fishes justice. They move too fast. So whatever I capture comes out blur!

Ben's mum takes really good care of the fishes btw. She is becoming an expert in helping the mommy guppies give birth. I admire her diligence and compassion for them. She'd quarantine the mother fish in a separate container (sometimes with one or two friends), dim the lights... and with the patience of a midwife, sit and wait for the babies to pop out. Then separate the babies from the mommy for some time (coz the mommy guppies are terrible - they eat their own babies), nurse the baby guppies... and when they are ready, they get to graduate from their 'incubator' into the general aquarium! more thing. When any mommy guppy is ready to give birth, Ben's mum usually gets really excited - and calls Ben (even when he's at work) to report! Haha. Ben always teases his mum, "You think I am the husband of the fish?" LOLx. Then when the birthing process is completed, she always looks so proud of the babies as if they were her own.

The baby guppies look a little like tadpoles, wriggling in the water. Cute! I've got no pictures to put up at the moment of the babies... but I assure you that they are cute. Sometimes, they stay so still that I keep thinking that they have died - but of course they have not. The adults are pretty active though... which explains why I can't really take pictures of them...

Then again...I often wonder.... how does God feel while a mother is giving birth to her baby - His creation, having been fearfully and wonderfully knitted in her womb. After all, Psalm 8:2. From the lips of these infants He has ordained praise to silence the Enemy.



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