Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New medicines...

Just returned from the clinic with a new cough and phlegm medications. Hopefully they work better this time. Hopefully my voice returns tomorrow... so that I won't be the counselor-with-a-bad-voice during pastoral counseling role-play.

Ben came after work to take me to the doctor's... we also had dinner and a long-ish chit-chat session at TCM, Pulau Tikus. Then (this is what boyfriends are for) he had to come up and help me discard the lizard in the trap. I blogged about it a few days ago, I think.

Dead by now, it had turned a dirty black and its eyes were sticking out. :P Ben was literally holding his breath while he placed the disposable trap into the trash bag.


And I was standing a few feet away, grinning from ear-to-ear because I didn't have to do it myself. Thanks, dear! :P


Ace said...

LOL. The advantage of having a guy around - not that you couldn't do it yourself, but it's always nicer to have someone do it for you! :D

Meg said...

I agree, isn't it a princess-ey thing? You're wish from your last post!:)


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