Thursday, March 25, 2010


After the extremely draining weekend (it's already Thursday and although issues have been straightened out more or less, I have not completely recovered from it. It perhaps can be likened to phantom limb pain after surgical amputation of a limb - although I have no idea how that feels for real), staying up 'till 2.30am last night (working on assignments) and waking up super early this morning for classes, I am so, so exhausted. Guess I was not really prepared for all that.

Anxious, unsettled and unsure of how I will handle the upcoming weekend too.

Sigh. God, please help me not to be insecure.

Just this Tuesday, I was driving to school with Ai Hua in my car. We were having this very therapeutic conversation (at least for me!) - and she said something very comforting, which went along the lines of, "I think it is good that God has placed us in the seminary at this time - so that we can learn to function in ministry even when we are emotionally overwhelmed." Yeah. I remember the time when I was depressed while being CMC at Trinity - and I wasn't sure how to deal with it, because I hadn't quite faced such circumstances back in med school before (a whole different ball game altogether.) So if I don't learn now, when else?

Marsha Lawson's class on 'Intro to Pastoral Counseling' started today.



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