Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I want to be...

... different. The right kind of course.

Gone are the days when I wanted to be supermodel thin. To be defined as 'successful' by the world. To be liked and accepted by everyone. Nah, can't please all. And I don't intend to try.

Why do we need to conform to the expectations, standards, patterns, norms and what the majority puts on pedestals in order to be accepted? Be authentic. Be real. God has made each and everyone of us to leave behind a legacy nobody else can leave. We are created to be different from everyone else. To passionately make that difference in the world we live in nobody else can make. Nobody should be an imitation of another, save good moral examples and of course, godliness. What is the purpose of your existence?

Well, if you have absolutely no inkling of it, I suggest that you could start by first getting to know your Creator. After all, everything in our world that can be seen is created with a purpose - even the decorative ornaments we collect. They were birthed purposefully out of a creative ideas their creators came up with, bearing in mind the vision that they would be beautiful ornaments. Likewise, we do not normally take globs of clay and mould them into pots without at least hoping that they would be useful pots! Bottles are made to be bottles, jars are made to be jars - if you get my drift. Yes, even a baby is made. But how can the essence of a person's soul be made out of his or her parents' DNA? Who can deny the divinity of human beings? How can we know the vision our Creator had in mind when He made us, when we do not even have a clue of what He is like?

But then again, what is your concept of 'G-O-D'? Common sense would tell us that any creation can only be lesser than its creator. Robots are fashioned to do what ordinary human strength cannot do - but they still lose out to us, when it comes to being human. For example, can a robot love? No they can't. We have robots nowadays that respond to touch mechanically. Brilliant as they are, they cannot love. But hey, we can love! The great innate ability to love means that we are relational beings. This could only mean that our Creator has a much greater capacity to love and loves us, as He placed us in relationships - so that our needs could be met. If He loves us, and there can be no love without a relationship, it could only mean that we were each purposefully made to be in a relationship with Him. Each of us a masterpiece to fit into His big plan in a very unique, mysterious yet beautiful way. Do you feel like a masterpiece today?

We all understand this fact: Love liberates the one loved to be the best he or she can be. For example, children, who have experienced alot of affirmation and love from their parents especially during childhood and adolescence, are more likely to grow up into confident, committed and competent adults, with healthy self-esteem - compared to those who did not. A wife submits readily to a husband who truly loves her. I have seen Christian wives who have blossomed into authentic women and godly mothers under the secure love and protection of their husbands. In my relationship with my boyfriend, his love and encouragement spur me on to walk a closer walk with God and grow in pursuing God's calling for my life.

If a human's imperfect love can do such wonders for a loved one, what more God's perfect love? Knowing and experiencing God's love in our lives, we find our sense of belonging in the gracious acceptance of our Creator, even while the world rejects all that do not match up to its ideal stereotypes. It transforms us and leads us to repentance. Engaging in a love-relationship with Him only made possible by grace and through faith in Christ allows us to discover the divine purpose He has created us for. And subsequently, we break out of the restricting 'moulds' the world tells us to conform to, take off as upon eagles' wings - soaring higher and higher - up to heights we could have never imagined... and are liberated to become the best we could ever become. I want to learn to live my life passionately - to make every day count, to live out my life mission and to give God the very best I can give... I have been set free.



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