Friday, November 6, 2009


Fell asleep last night with the lights still on... @_@ ~ what a waste of electricity. Hehe. But I guess having slept with no Air-con for the past few nights, I hope there is still a nett saving on utility bill fee! ~ I need to save money to go home. (Song playing in my head... "Come home, come home...") I've not gone home in ages! @_@

But hurrah, hurrah.... all the 6th Nov due assignments have been completed and handed up. Now, for a mad dash to the 'finishing line' on the 14th Nov - MUSIC AND MISSONS ASSIGNMENTS. That's gonna be the killer... because next week, I have alot of other stuff to do as well - including performing and playing piano for the seniors' graduation banquet and Hua Xia commissioning (sending off missionaries to China).

Praise God. It's a FRIDAY! Happy Friday, folks! :)



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