Friday, September 4, 2009


It's my favourite day of the week...

Read Mark 2:21-22 today.

"No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; otherwise the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear results. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the skins and the wine is lost, and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into fresh wine-skins..."

I know I might not be discussing this 'in context', but I felt the Lord speaking to me about something close to my heart. While this reminded me of how our new life in Christ must be matched with a new way of living, i.e. by getting rid of old habits, old worldly ways of thinking, ungodliness, sins of the past, things that stumble, wrong influences, unbiblical worldviews, etc... it also is relevant to me in a sense that in new seasons, we cannot dwell on the things of the past season. Past hurts, past successes or glories, past grudges, you name it.

I must say that I can get pretty nolstalgic at times... especially because I happen to remember events very clearly. Who said what, what happened, the happy things, the funny things, the sad things, the moving moments, etc... It's like archives. You tell me the year and the month... and I will tell you the things that happened during that time.

And when I get nolstalgic, I can grow very melancholy... *sniff*

Nolstalgia is good when we remember the lovely things that happened before with fondness and thankfulness... but when it makes the human heart despise living in the present or prevents one from living his life to the fullest in the present circumstances, it is naught but an old wineskin, ready to burst and bring much destruction when new wine of the season is poured in. We've got to embrace the things of the present in expectant joy, knowing that the Lord is always faithful to make all things work together for the good of those who love and trust Him... according to His purposes.

I'm still in the midst of refocusing my life... it seems to have taken forever....and I am still not done yet.



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