Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sky showers...

Back from school. Right arm still pretty sore and achey. Movements are slow and clumsy. Except for writing and typing. Which is a good thing.

It hurts to pronate and supinate wrist. Dorsiflex and plantarflex too. Thus, I am not good at carrying heavy things, screwing on or unscrewing bottle caps, putting weight on the limb and extending fingers.

It was also awfully awkward using a spoon. Joseph (who sat next to me during lunch) laughed every time I dropped food on the table. He also imitated the coarse tremors of my hand while I reached out to serve myself food from the common dishes. Hehe. Let's hope for more improvement tomorrow.

Outside, it rains and thunders. Sun's out. The chill has seeped into my little home.

The floor feels cold against my feet. Brrr...

Perfect excuse for a nap, don't you think? The thought of cool pillows and snuggling under a duvet. Ah. My heart is jumping for joy!

But I received a new stack of theological readings for today's 'reading pleasure' today. Therefore, I won't have time to nap. I have also decided to do an hour of personal reading (of ministry books) every day to strike a balance and equip myself more specifically for certain ministries. Guess I'd better start after this short post.

Gonna hang up the laundry and boil meself some water for coffee. Then start on assignments! Wanna join me? :P


Anonymous said...

I wanna join you for assignment..hehehe...

Grace-Melody Moo said...

Come, come!!:D


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