Friday, September 25, 2009


Felt lost and blur today. Tired. But overjoyed that it IS FRIDAY!

Theology group meeting after lunch. Then... *guilty look* yours truly sped from MBTS to Queensbay Mall (stopping midway at a gas station) to catch Ji, before she disappears again for a long, long time. Back to Singapore.

We stood outside DOME Cafe and chatted for 15 minutes, before she had to leave with her family. Of course, when her mum saw me, there were the usual 'Oohs' and 'Aaaahs'! Hehe. "You lost weight huh!"~ Which was probably true.

I had to explain that I was eating very well (and um... I think, eating more than I ought to - but we'll disregard that for the moment). Actually, come to think of it, I have been well-fed by doting people. Such blessings from God! Weightloss was probably due to stress. But then again, almost everyone who enters the seminary loses weight somehow. Hot weather. Dragging feet to climb steep slopes and hundreds of steps. Alot of assignments. Extremely late nights. Dragging oneself out of bed early in the mornings. LOL. So many contributing factors. Any student can testify to all that.

So I am normal.

I am now at home, about to go out for dinner. :)



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