Wednesday, August 5, 2009

In the middle of the night...

To a very dear person I know,

Thank you for cheering me up immensely whenever you call and making me laugh when I'm down... for your unstinting support whenever things go extremely bad... for your encouragement to be who God's made me wonderfully to be and to stop being anything that's not. Thanks for inspiring me to love God as earnestly as you do and to serve others so faithfully, even though it is most often unseen. Many times, being hurt by the things other say or do does not prevent you from trying to graciously bless them back or helping them out when needed. How terribly difficult it must be! I sometimes catch you in your thoughtful little actions - and am truly humbled.

Thanks for making adjustments to accept my many weak bits, and loving me even when I am not perfect.... For making me feel beautiful and confident even on the days I'm fat and bloated. For letting me win, when I know I ain't entirely correct - and for being so forgiving when I finally come to my senses and sheepishly apologize.

Thanks for taking great pains to understand me even when I often don't understand myself! :)

Lotsa love from:
a night-owl with black eye-rings and glamorous eye-bags,
surrounded by piles and piles of PM223 icky notes...



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