Saturday, March 21, 2009

Good Things Come In Threes...

Haven't been doing tags for a while now. because I either didn't have the time to do it, or I totally forgot about it. A thousand apologies, people. I'm currently taking a break from things.. so there you go. A tag...

Three things that scare me are
1. Lizards... it makes me sick to see their quivering bodies, when they fall *kepiakkkkk* onto the floor from the ceiling..
2. The unknown
3. Pitch black darkness... although I'm so much better than I used to be. Now at least I can sort of calmly walk from the light switch to my bed, after I snap out the lights... without breaking into a sweat.

Three people who make me laugh
1. Zoey
2. Pig
3. Ben
Actually so many, many more... 

Three people who've inspired me
1. Jim Elliot
2. A.W.Tozer
3. Wives of pastors who've discipled and mentored me, through my walk with the Lord

Three things I love
1. Music - jazz, jazz-concerts, drum-displays, classical guitar, piano-instrumentals, classical, movie-soundtracks...
2. Good food with good company, and coffee afterwards. Not a very Malaysian thing, alas :(
3. My beauty-sleep:P (Gosh, eat and sleep - makes me sound pig-ish, no?)

Three places I love
1. Ireland
2. Penang
3. London (probably because of the sentimental memories these places bring...)

Three things I hate
1. Giving up 
2. Sinning and grieving God
3. smelly toilets

Three things I don't understand
1. Anything to do with wires and their connections... 
2. Finance, marketing and accounting mumbo-jumbo
3. Why God made me the way I am...

Three things I must have on my dressing table
1. My paraphernalia of toiletries, i.e facial products, lotions, eye-brow tweezers, perfume, etc, etc (I'm a girl, ok!) 
2. My make-up bag 
3. Alot of photos and inspirational notes from my friends and family
Three things I do first thing in the morning
1. Snooze my alarm clock for an hour or so... 
2. Roll all around my bed and reluctantly roll off the side...
3. Sneeze and blow nose...
Three things I do before I go to bed
1. Read 
2. Set alarm clock 
3. Pray

Three things I am doing right now
1. Not working (how else would I be doing this tag?)
2. Trying to get into a book 
3. Wondering if I should start doing sit-ups... 

Three things I want to do before I die
1. To have raised up God-fearing children...
2. To have invested in whatever gifts/talents God's given me for His kingdom
3. Travel all around Europe (I regret not doing that when I was studying in Dublin)

Three things I can do
1. Make cards/deco items out of recycled stuff... (duh, doesn't everyone?:D)
2. Stay at home the whole day
3. Eat (I can really eat:P)

Three things I can't do
1. Accounts... 
2. use a sewing machine:P I can hand-sew though.
3. Live in a dusty environment...

Three things I am trying to do
1. Save money
2. Maintaining my weight below 55kg
3. To study God's Word more diligently... 

Three favourite memories of my childhood
1. Family trips
2. My mother
3. gymnastics training and missing school for competitions:P Yipeedoo! Haha...

Three cartoons I watched as a kid
1. Maya the Bee
2. Tom and Jerry
3. Mrs. Pepperpot
(Ok, I hardly watched cartoons, btw)

Consider yourself tagged!:)


mozozozo said...

YOU watched maya the bee?? hehe..n probably everyone can make stuff out of recycled stuff, but u do it real well =)

Meg said...

hi! i've been reading your blog for some time it!^_^
continue blogging..
btw, i can share some

God bless!^_^


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